The architecture of SAMBHA® 200 is able to offer ultra high bandwidth connectivity up to 192 VDSL2 users (or 384 users with xDLV) on existing copper infrastructure such as an IP-DSLAM, supporting the typical interfaces of a multi access node -service.

SAMBHA® 200 provides access services with high flexibility and scalability. It can be used in FTTB (Fiber To The Building), FTTC (Fiber To The Curb / Cab), FTTN (Fiber To The Node) scenarios. The system is modular and configurable both as MSAN and as vectoring-ready IP-DSLAM, ready to provide users with broadband data and voice services, taking advantage of existing copper infrastructures or optical fiber. In the IP-DSLAM configuration, the SAMBHA® 200 system allows operators to provide applications that require high bandwidth availability while protecting the existing infrastructure investment. Operators can reduce the lengths of copper circuits, reducing excavation costs, and increase the bandwidth available with DSL in all FTTx scenarios.

SAMBHA® 200 offers two 10GE uplink ports and provides multiple services thanks to its configuration flexibility. Services includevoice, data, video, through VDSL2 cards with vectoring, POTS, GbE optical SHDSL or P2P for leased line services.

technical features

  • Ethernet non-blocking architecture
  • VDSL2 with vectoring (with SLV and xDLV) and bonding
  • VDSL and ADSL fallback
  • Multicast with IGMP snooping
  • Priority queuing for QoS
  • Complete management with SELTA Element Manager solution
  • POTS services (SIP and H.248)
  • GbE Point-to-Point connection on fiber and E1 SHDSL